Swastika Films provides the best movie theater for film preview in New Delhi & Ncr. Preview your favorite movies or film festival DCP files (encrypted with KDM or unencrypted j2K file) in a fully cine furbished & color calibrated DLP 2K projection cinema hall, which is equipped with 5.1 audio preview system.
The cinema has cushiony recliners for couple sitting or can be equipped with 4 individual chair seating capacity as per your need.

4 seat sitting arrangements.

The quality of image you see on the screen of swastika films movie theatre for film preview in New Delhi & Ncr is perhaps the finest film image quality available in the whole of Delhi/NCR. It even surpasses the film quality offered at cineplexes in terms of image sharpness, color accuracy & light contrast.
Types of file you can preview at our professional movie theater for film preview in new delhi & ncr :
- Mov prores File.
- Mp4 file.
- Encrypted DCP file with KDM.
- Unencrypted DCP file.
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